At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Coming Home to the Self

Coming Home to the Self

Quiet, Gentle Movement

Life has a way of leaving us bent out of shape from time to time, a bit less clear and whole than we might like. Sometimes we need a little help finding our way back to ease and peace. Just a few moments of quiet presence can bring us right back home to our selves, reminding us who we are and how we want to be in the world.

This gentle 14-minute movement practice offers just such an opportunity. It is explored on the ground, lying on the back, although a cozy bed might work just fine, too. A little rest, a bit of easy breathing and a small helping of movement all help us shed tension and reclaim ease. I hope that you, too, find that these few moments of grounded presence have the power to reshape the contours of not just your day, but of your whole life.

These practices are such a gift, when we hold them close. They have the power to keep our eyes open, our hearts clear, our spirits bright. They can so easily nudge a stormy day toward peace. They only work, though, when we actually do them instead of just plan to do them, or perhaps just think about doing them. They require us to muster up the energy to roll out our mats or climb onto our cushions, to dive into the movement, the stillness, and the deep sigh of relief.

At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Movement and stillness practices for vitality and ease, with Claudia Cummins. Learn more at