At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Let Everything Be

Let Everything Be

Deep Rest and Restoration

It can be such a relief in the midst of our busy lives to give ourselves permission to set the to-do list aside and slip into resting mode, even for a little while. We settle into our favorite cozy spot - on the ground, in bed or in our favorite chair. We turn our gaze inward and we practice the fine are of letting everything be, just as it is.

What a relief! The world will spin on without us and it will be there for us when we return. In the meantime, for just a few moments we soften our clenched fists and release our fierce grip on the reins of life. We return home to a sense of unshakable wellbeing as we remember our deep connection with the greater flow of life.

This 12-minute guided relaxation offers an opportunity to practice resting deeply, even amid the busy-ness of our lives. Our bodies soften, our nervous systems settle and our minds grow clear. We remember who we are and how we want to live, in love and connection with the vast flow of life.

At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Movement and stillness practices for vitality and ease, with Claudia Cummins. Learn more at