At Home in the World
At Home in the World
The Healing Breath

The Healing Breath

A Breathing Practice for Wholeness and Wellbeing

Years ago I created a guided yoga CD called Mindful Breathing. This one-hour audio offers a quiet introduction to the breath's mysterious ability to nurture wellbeing in body, mind and spirit. The CD includes four guided breathing sessions, all of which are now available here on At Home in the World.

The CD’s four breathing practices are the mindful breath, the calming breath, the centering breath and this offering, the healing breath. There are many, many more ways of breathing, of course, but these practices offer a guided tour of the power of the breath to keep us steady, strong and spacious, even in the face of life’s many challenges.

The healing breath is an 18-minute practice that can be practiced in any comfortable upright or reclined position. It shines the spotlight on the deeper flow of life within us, and on the ways we can ally ourself with that vitality so that we feel ever more at ease and at home in every cell of our body.

My favorite definition of healing is restoration of a sense of wholeness through our entire being. And my favorite definition of wholeness is a sense of communion with all that is, both within and beyond us. Or, as some sages say, “no part left out.” How does settling into the breath reveal this sense of wholeness? It remains a beautiful mystery to me, but I sense the connection each time I practice. I hope you do, too.

At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Movement and stillness practices for vitality and ease, with Claudia Cummins. Learn more at