At Home in the World
At Home in the World
The Mindful Breath

The Mindful Breath

A Foundational Breath Awareness Practice

The breath has long been considered a potent gateway between our outer and inner worlds. Climbing into its rhythms can help us find our way back to deeper waves of life as they pass through us.

In this 15-minute session, we explore the power of the breath to steady the mind, calm the body, and bring our awareness to the here-and-now. We aren’t trying to change the breath in any way - as we would in yogic pranayama practices. We simply allow the breath to flow naturally and without strain. We use it as an anchor for the mind in a meditation practice. We simply allow the breath to help us feel awake in the moment and at home in the world.

This practice - first shared in my long-ago CD Mindful Breathing - offers a gentle introduction into basic breath awareness. It can be done seated in any comfortable position, or even lying down if you want to rest more deeply.

At Home in the World
At Home in the World
Movement and stillness practices for vitality and ease, with Claudia Cummins. Learn more at