
Welcome to At Home in the World with Claudia Cummins. I’m thrilled to share this space with you.

On this site I share guided practices and written reflections that I hope will foster wisdom and wellbeing in your life. My aim is to help us cultivate ever-deepening happiness and peace, as we learn to feel more awake in each moment and more at home in the world.

My hope is that these offerings will slip into the folds of your life in beautiful and wholesome ways. I would love for these explorations to become good friends, offering a little calm when you are anxious, a little energy when you are sluggish, and a little clarity when you are feeling lost. And I hope the practices are rich enough to savor many times, offering the possibility of continued insight and inspiration.

At Home in the World stems from my own exploration into the art of living well. For more than 30 years I’ve studied a range of spiritual and somatic practices, including yoga, meditation, qigong, Feldenkrais, SATYA and more. All of these disciplines are reflected in all that I share here.

Guided Audio Practices

On most Saturday mornings, At Home in the World shares a 10- to 30-minute guided audio practice designed to offer rest and rejuvenation. The explorations are gentle enough to be practiced by almost any body, almost any time and almost any place. Some offerings focus on movement, some explore the power of the breath, and others guide us toward the stillness of deep relaxation and meditation. 

I invite you to consider the guided practices as suggestions rather than instructions, as you explore your own way of moving, breathing and being in the world. Let the practices be springboards for your own adventure. You are your own best teacher, after all, so if you hear a voice urging you to try something different or head off on a different path, please do.

I also encourage you to stay within your comfort zone throughout the practices. If you ever feel strain or discomfort, please stop and then move or rest in a happier way. Not every movement is perfect for every body, after all. Honor your own needs and urges, so that you can create a practice that is perfect for you, right here and now.

Written Reflections

In addition to the guided audio practices, on most Sunday mornings At Home in the World offers a written reflection to serve as a touchstone for the week ahead. My hope is that you’ll find something in what I share that sparks your own curiosity and insight.

These reflections often extend the explorations shared in the guided audio practices. They also serve as launching pads for my weekly online classes in movement and stillness. My invitation is to keep the practices in your metaphorical back pocket, and then to pull them out when you find yourself with a few free moments. Perhaps you’ll even develop a ritual, settling into them first thing in the morning, or in mid-afternoon, or last thing before bed. 

A curated selection offerings from At Home in the World is freely offered to all, with the hope that practices will be accessible to everyone who visits the site. In addition, paid subscriptions - for $6 per month or $30 per year - offer full access to more than 50 guided practices and all of the written reflections offered on the site.

I so appreciate the generosity of those who support my efforts to spread a little ease and happiness in the world with a paid membership. Thank you!

Once you sign up as either a free or paid subscriber, offerings are sent via email (with the option of opting out of email delivery) and posts are also available at our shared At Home in the World space. The practices can also be accessed via the app created by Substack, the site’s hosting service, offering you an easy way to keep track of your favorite practices and even explore on-the-go.

I would love for this adventure to feel like a conversation, so please reach out to me with questions, reactions, suggestions, and feedback. You can reach me by replying to the emails that I send, or by visiting our website and using the comment section at the end of each post.

At Home in the World supplements my existing offerings, which continue as they have in the past, freely offered to all. My home website continues to offer an archive of my essays and articles. My donation-based movement and meditation classes also continue online via Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Thank you so much for joining me here. I appreciate your trust and your enthusiasm in sharing this space, and I look forward to sharing the adventure together.

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Movement, Stillness and Insight for Vitality and Ease


Claudia Cummins has been exploring the art of living well for more than 30 years. Learn more about her offerings at claudiacummins.com.